Originally posted by BMGregory
Little League Major
Batter hits ball and as he leaves the box, throws the bat which hits catcher.
Is this considered interfering with the catcher and causes the batter-runner to be out?
This seems to be one of those things that everyone knows the answer to but is not covered in the rules (no reference to thrown bat)
[Edited by BMGregory on May 9th, 2003 at 03:05 PM]
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I work PONY, obr. There is no OBR rule, however local rules. Intentional thrown bat(out of disgust, etc..) eject. Some call the BR out, some don't, (he usually is though). Accidental.. had one tonite. Batter hits ball to F6, flings bat into f2's legs(he's still squatting), BR gets hosed, F2 sez" he threw the bat", I sez" I got it". OUR rule is, TEAM warning, next one is out, runners return to TOP.
My warning is, " Team "a", catcher got it with a bat, CONTROL your equiptment!"
Now, as far as a kid dropping bat and catcher stepping on it, I got a big nuthing. Me stepping on it, stupid me. Kid bunts and I can see a deliberate attempt to screw up F2 with the bat, NOW we got INT....JMHO