Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by JRutledge
There might be a "scaling back" in your area, but. . .
Not only is there a scaling back in my area, but there's a scaling back in the NCAA manual. As you noted yourself it's in the manual, but. . .
The CCA Men's Manual just does not require it for all fouls.
It used to be required for all fouls. It's no longer required for all fouls. It's been scaled back.
I have not been officiating for decades, so understand that I do not have 20 years in of experience on this particular issue. But not using the birddog has been the same way for several years, or at least the years I have been officiating. I have never known of a time (during my officiating career) that the birddog was ever used for all fouls. So personally I do not know how it can be scaled back if it has stayed the same in about 8 years. Seems to me they just changed the usage, but it was still used by the D1 Officials all through the NCAA Tournament. And the birddog has stayed the same throughout my career at the NF level. So at least during my career, there has been no scaling back.