Originally Posted by JRutledge
I still contact my partners if I am the Referee and it is required at the college level. Just usually want to touch base so that they know when I am showing up or any other items that might be not known. And the thing I hate about Arbiter is the schools do not use it or put the correct information on the site. In one of the conferences the assignor for some strange reason does not want us calling the school. Well I went to the wrong school or site for the game and thank God I went early enough to get to the other school. And the problem was the school did not make it clear on any website where they played their games. I wish they would blow up the Arbiter honestly for this reason.
Yeah, contact information on Arbiter does not seem to be updated as Athletic Office staff changes. I've found our state association's site to be more up-to-date with contact information and use that for my school contacts.