Originally Posted by Terrapins Fan
Because one thing leads to another. If a player called another player a fag or queer, it's not directed at you. Should it be a T? I think so.
There are many words that should be "T"ed up. If you allow one, you have to allow all of them.
If you allow none, the kids will play by the rules.
What if the teammate calls one a pu$$y? Or says, "Stop being a mark!" Something tells me most officials have no idea of certain slang or language and their actual meaning. I have heard that much more than I can ever think of hearing s player call someone a fag or a queer.
Originally Posted by JetMetFan
Another that overwhelmingly went into the T category - and the support was heavy among Black officials - was use of the N-word, even between teammates. We acknowledged its use in music, popular culture and the fact its considered "mainstream" in many communites but for many if not all of the officials none of that changed the word's historical use and purpose.
Well because that word is used often, I simply address it by giving a little lecture. For one most people around them have no problem with the usage of that word. That usually stops the entire time I hear that word. I do that because giving a T does nothing to stop it, but telling them it is not acceptable and why does. I look at these situations the same way as when you have a mouthy kid that does not listen to you, telling the coach usually changes the behavior. If it doesn't then we have the option to use a T. I just will almost never treat conversation between teammates the same way I would to opponents.