Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA ... snip ... B. So, if the bare hand leaves your sight behind the glove, you are calling it illegal because the pitcher didn't show you that the hands were actually joined?
I hope I'm reading this wrong as I wouldn't want to be the umpire who needed to sell that one.
Not the reading, just me not explaining every detail. If "the bare hand leaves your sight
behind the glove", with the glove visible, that would appear to be joining the hands, so that is assumed to fulfill the rule. As I understand it, the purpose of this sub-rule is so the batter knows the pitch is coming and in the batter's line of vision, behind the glove is the same as together. At times, as BU I am tempted to call non-joining, but if the bare hand seems to be behind the glove in the batter's line of vision, then no call.
And yes, "If the ball is not BEHIND the pitcher, it must be in FRONT of the pitcher." Visibility is the concept.