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Old Fri Dec 28, 2012, 09:02am
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post

Most prominent one was actually an OOB play....

I'm lead, table-side, ball is near my sideline and trapped (about the FT line extended). The ball is knocked away towards center court and I can't see through the players to the ball and stepping to the side more, I can't see through the coach either. I have no view of the ball. I'm waiting for possible help from my partner. I don't hear anything. He's not going to jump on an OOB call on my line unless it is in the 3rd row. I still don't see the ball but see the players and see where the ball is not along with the body language of the players and blow my whistle and make a call. I get it right, but it was highly uncomfortable....I actually guessed but felt I had to. Letting it set OOB with no whistle would have been worse.
We work a really big conference here 2-person. We give it our absolute best, but there's always this feeling of "we would've been much better with a third official." You can only look at so many competitive matchups and so much off-the-ball stuff with just one off-ball set of eyes.

Of course our state still runs the first two rounds of the playoffs 2-person -- that has told these conferences that the state doesn't see 3-person officiating as a priority, so what's the hurry with going to 3 in the regular season? (This was actually said to me by two ADs in that big conference -- if the state made the move to 3-person throughout the playoffs, they'd go to 3-person in the regular season. The state won't, so they don't. End of story.)
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