Correct Procedure?
Reffing my first tournament of the year in a region that is allowing the libero to serve for the first time this season (so the process is new to all the coaches and players).
I'm the R2 (actually getting rated at the time). Team on my left sideouts and rotates. Their two middles run in and out for each other, just like they would if the libero were going back to serve. Then I notice the person that serves the ball is NOT the libero!
So what do you do? The foremost question is whether to blow the play dead right away or wait until the rally is completed.
It's worth noting that we had a work team no-show so I had a national-rated scorekeeper working for me.
I'll post more info and the result (I think I got it right). But I want to hear your opinion on what should have happened at this point and what we should be looking for going forward.