Originally Posted by RookieDude
...you may agree with what rockyroad is saying...but, it is not what his own state put out in an on-one rules clinic.
I have the hard copy printed out in black and white...if you would like me to quote it again. (from a previous thread)
What the heck...I went and dug it out...here is the EXACT wording from Slide 28 of 57...
a. A player shall not swing his/her arm(s) or elbow(s) even without contacting an opponent.
b. Examples of illegal contact above the shoulders and resulting penalties:
1. Contact with a stationary elbow may be incidental or a common foul.
An elbow is stationary when a player pivots but does not swing the elbows (when the elbow moves with the hip)"
Slide #28 from the WOA...Washington Officials Association
And that slide is exactly why our Board directed our Assignor to contact the WIAA and the WOA for clarification, and we were told exactly what I posted before...and I will even let you keep your beverage. You can contact them and ask for clarification yourself if you don't believe me...feel free. It's a free call.