Originally Posted by OKREF
I may have been interpreting what I was told wrong. This is a very well though out explanation and I would agree with this interpretation.
...you may agree with what rockyroad is saying...but, it is not what his own state put out in an on-line rules clinic.
I have the hard copy printed out in black and white...if you would like me to quote it again. (from a previous thread)
What the heck...I went and dug it out...here is the EXACT wording from Slide 28 of 57...
a. A player shall not swing his/her arm(s) or elbow(s) even without contacting an opponent.
b. Examples of illegal contact above the shoulders and resulting penalties:
1. Contact with a stationary elbow may be incidental or a common foul.
An elbow is stationary when a player pivots but does not swing the elbows (when the elbow moves with the hip)"
Slide #28 from the WOA...Washington Officials Association