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Old Wed Dec 19, 2012, 02:47pm
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
Most likley... although I do accept that the possibility of an intentional foul does still exist.
IMHO, that is a LUDICROUS distinction. You are going to penalize the same contact differently because of the method used to pivot???? Pivot on your foot and hit a guy above the shoulders, it's (maybe) a PC foul. Pivot at the waist at same speed and hit a guy above the shoulders, it's intentional. That makes absolutely zero sense to me.

I challenge you to rotate at the waist without the elbows moving at least a little faster than the torso.
I just did it. Easily. In fact, I did it twice, because it was so easy that I thought that maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention to my elbows. The only thing that was marginally difficult was getting the elbows to stop at the same time as my torso. Because of the momentum generated while twisting, my elbows continued to move slightly after I stopped twisting my torso. But more than likely, any contact will occur before the torso is done twisting, so that doesn't come into play.
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