Thread: First Game
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Old Wed Dec 19, 2012, 01:48am
Sharpshooternes Sharpshooternes is offline
C'mon man!!
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 966
Originally Posted by Loudwhistle2 View Post
Sounds like you did just fine! You'll find that each game seems a little easier then the last until you hit one of "those" games where everything goes to he11. I like the positive outlook and how you are already working towards improving yourself in future games!
I would try to tune out what coaches are saying to you, they will try to work you in any way they can.
If it can be arranged, it would be good to sit with a mentor and watch a varsity or jv game and quietly discuss the calls and other pertinent information. This forum has been great to see the comments on video clips and how different officials evaluate the same situation. Your mentor might be able to give you some great advice or insight similar to what you see on here. Good luck in your future games! I like basketball officiating because its like a never ending hunt! (hunting for fouls and violations)
I had one of "those games" tonight. 1 double tech, 1 player tech,a decent timing error, and I am still kicking myself for not ringing up one of the assistant coaches with a t as well. he was very disrespectful and I missed tagging him. I won't let that happen EVER again. Partner is in his first season as a HS ref. Had a nasty cold so his voice was gone. This did not help matters. We were not consistent on block/charge calls which I think had a little to do with misunderstanding of the rule by my P. Don't get me wrong he did a fine job otherwise. Had a good post game chat and then chatted with a V official who was watching his son play. He actually said we did a pretty good job aside from the stuff I already mentioned.
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