Had a varsity B game the other day.. Turned out to be a real blowout... white had 29 points in the fourth... red had 79... red was still playing hard and aggressive.. the fellas playing for red were the end of the bench dwellers and it was nice to see them making the most of their opportunity.... a player from white took offense when a red player decided to play aggressive and try to grab the ball from him on the elbow.. my partner was right on top of it on the ball side trail and called the jump ball..i came ball side prior to the call to monitor the two gentlemen in the post... once the whistle blew i came in to get the ball and inbound on the endline with 1:24 left... well white who was involved in the tie up decided to take his frustrations out on me.. droppin multiple f bombs at me and telling me i effin let him get hit in the face... as hard as I tried to play on and hope his tone of voice didn't get louder.. he did escalate his voice and continue to curse... I calmly whistled and gave a half hearted t and moved on... it was my first t in about 3 years at the hs level.. coach yanked him right from the game and later apologized to me... gotta love blow outs.. especially when both teams are in the double bonus