Originally Posted by rockyroad
I have not read this whole thread, just caught scrapper's reference to Washington State on this 4th page...so I will jump in with what we were told after our assignor got clarification from the WIAA and the WOA...
If the elbow is moving at the same speed as shoulders and hips (player is pivoting) and contact is made above the shoulders, then it may be a common or an Int. foul.
If the elbows are moving faster (being thrown) and contact is above the shoulders, it should be Int at minimum and possibly flagrant.
Not sure if this clears anything up, but it doesn't seem that difficult to me.
As I read it, this is a THIRD interpretation.
The original "stationary elbow" interp held that contact would be either incidental or a common foul.
I look forward to NFHS running next year's revisions past a native speaker of English.