Hold on there Pappa C, let me get this straight. In your last line you said, if a fed pitcher steps toward a base and does not feint a throw you have a balk. Just being a 6 year rookie I have to disagree strongly. Play, runner on second, pitcher comes set raises non-pivot foot across the back of the rubber and steps toward second, disengages the rubber and breaks his hand and makes no throw or feint. Happens all the time and if there is any deceiving (key word) to the runner you could never sell that call to a good coach. It sounds to me like everyone forgets that the purpose of the balk is to prevent deliberate deceiving of the base runner by the pitcher. We all need to stop reading into the rules so much that it makes us crazy thinking we are missing something, every player in the dugout is telling the runners on first and third to watch for the 3-1 play so there can't be deception.