Middle School Game Report #2
The good guys played two games Saturday in a preseason tournament.
Game 1 - Good guys lost by two to a shorter, but quicker team. Nothing of note as far as officiating goes. Junior got a little playing time in, which makes it more fun to me.
Game 2 - Two plays along my sideline concerning situations that have been debated on here.
1) A1 dribbling, pushes ball ahead and past B1 near the sideline. A1 goes around B1 stepping on the sideline. Ball may have touched B1. A1 gets around B1 to continue dribble. As or just before A1 gets to the ball to continue his dribble, the official whistles up an OOB violation. I thought to myself, "Was that an interrupted dribble?", while I marked A1 for a turnover.
Probably was.
2) Very similar play with the other official, but no OOB call. However A2, after stepping OOB, and was clearly back IB, when the official whistles a violation. I think I heard the official tell A2 he could not be the first to touch after coming back IB. B got the ball, and no foul was signalled.
For the record, there were no issues with who had how many fouls, and the players wore the same numbers.
- SamIAm (Senior Registered User) - (Concerning all judgement calls - they depend on age, ability, and severity)