Originally posted by Panda Bear
As to differing penalties, I agree, I wish the several bodies could be more consistant, on a number of matters. It would help reduce the confusion wherever umpires, coaches, players, fans, media, etc. are involved with more than 1 sanction & level. But that has been beat to death here before.
The problem here is the priorities of the sanctioning bodies and coaches input.
Different sanctioning bodies are that because they disagree with where they have already been.
Those who have worked NCAA ball for the past decade have probably seen the side of coaching input into the rules when the NFCA began developing a rule book for NCAA, same with NFHS.
Both of those organizations previously used slightly modified ASA rules. Now, as the coaches and ADs have gotten involved in the rule business, there are some things in there which are a little goofy to some of us.
I'm not saying that they shouldn't have some input into the rules, but instead of taking them as placed on paper, they should be bounced off those with the experience of the enforcement. This is one problem I have with ASA. Too often, rules are proposed, and sometimes get through, without taking the actual on field ramifications into account. By the time we reach championship play the following year, it's a little late to say, "Well, it looked good on paper!"