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Old Tue Dec 12, 2000, 04:07pm
crabber crabber is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2000
Posts: 8
Just a funny story to add to all of this. A buddy of mine was working a game and this fan kept getting on him. So my buddy grabbed his extra whistle and gave it to the fan with these instructions " Blow this if you see a call I should have made." He then went to the guy in charge of security and told him that someone in the stands had a whistle....Guess what happened? I always carry my spare with me since that story, but have yet to use it. Seriously,do the best you can and ignore the fans, if that is not possible focus more keenly on your job. As part of my pre-game we are all made aware of security or the administrator in charge. It helps to know whom you can go toin the event of a problem.
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