Originally Posted by legend
Maybe you don't understand what goes into coaching kids at any level. While some of the guys or "clueless parents" as you call them, may not be deciples of the game. They still put A TON of time in with the kids, between working full time jobs, daily 2-2 1/2 hour practices, and games they sacrafice alot of family time to be there for those kids. Are there some kids who really don't want to be there...sure but look at the typical 15 kids on a team, you will have atleast 10-12 kids who REALLY do think that (at that moment) that game is the most important thing to them. Atleast thats my experience in my area with youth leagues, weather its hoops, football or baseball they (the kids) care.
I know some will find this blasphemous, but what the heck: Expecting officials to come in and treat youth basketball with the same gravitas as a varsity or college game at $20 to $25 a game is a bit much, IMO.
Normally I do two or three of these things a year and I usually work 4 games or so in a stretch. To me, it's work for a paycheck. I hustle and work hard (although we may not switch 75% of the time) but I don't spend a lot of time being philosophical -- I know what I am that weekend -- a $100 guy in a striped shirt who will take exactly no crap per game from coaches and players.