Originally Posted by Scrapper1
I'm just saying Billy's sentiment, while admirable, is probably a little over-dramatic.
Maybe when others make statements like mine, it's overdramatic, but it my case it's the sincere, God honest truth. Sure, it would be great to work top notch high school varsity games several nights a week, but when I'm available, I really do look forward to working my Catholic middle school games, even down to fifth, and sixth, graders. I loved playing basketball in high school, loved playing intramurals in college, and loved playing playground ball as a young man. I loved coaching middle school basketball for over twenty-five years until helicopter parents eventually wore me down. I've loved every single interscholastic game in my thirty-two year officiating career. I hope that I'm healthy enough to keep doing this, although maybe not on the varsity level, for the next thirty-two years. I would absolutely, positively, not mind completing my officiating career working junior varsity, freshman, and middle school games.
Full Disclosure: I've never been able to get "into" men's recreation league, kid's recreation league, travel league, or AAU games, as much as I've gotten "into' scholastic games, but I still tried to give it my best effort. Those games I "pretty much" did for the money. I don't work those games anymore. I would do interscholastic games for free (almost) but don't tell anybody, or I'll have to kill you.