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Old Wed Nov 28, 2012, 12:28pm
Amesman Amesman is offline
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Steps for correctable error?

Know it's been discussed here before but can't find it now. Wondering what to do when A1 makes his shot, gets fouled and administering official blanks out and tells the players "2 shots."

This is a chilling experience when you realize what's happened as you hear B's coach shouting to the calling official, "Hey, she only gets one!" and then to his players "Play the shot, girls!" No need to ask how I know this.

At any rate, in the scenario above, what happens when the first free throw clanks off and nobody moves for the rebound (because of that nice man instructing them there should be 2 FTAs) The error would have been discovered before the second FTA.

Seem to recall play goes on if both teams have players contesting the rebound, but cannot remember for when one or none go for it.

None of the case book plays in 2.10 cover this.

Never been more relieved to see a player make a FTA.
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