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Old Wed Nov 28, 2012, 09:24am
Chris Whitten Chris Whitten is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Dixie
Posts: 71
"Hey, 10 seconds didn't go off the clock!"

Standard 10 seconds backcourt violation in the first quarter of a JV game. Coach B loudly objecting because "10 seconds didn't go off the clock." Explanation that its on my count doesn't suffice. Coach has apparently been in the rules book as he cites, nearly verbatim, rule 9-8 which uses the term "10 seconds." Explanation that the rules allow for an official to have a visible count while watching play doesn't suffice. Warning to coach that I've heard enough and we're playing on, along with the stop sign does not deter him. Banter continues and Coach runs through the second stop sign, this time stating he doesn't have to be quiet as long as he's not being disrespectful. I'm thinking, geez, is this the hill he's going to die on? Also thinking I'm not going to listen to this guy for 3 more qtrs. Whack.

Anybody have this happen? Anybody handle it differently?
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