Originally Posted by Sharpshooternes
I want to say no because the ball becomes dead on a shot after a foul when it is obvious that the try is going to be unsuccessful. The player is shooting towards his own goal and a deflection /foul causing it to go into the wrong basket would certainly mean the try had ended prior to it going into the wrong basket.
But, If your scenario went like this: try , deflection of ball back into basket, foul, horn. I just opened another can of worms. Going to count the points for the made "wrong" basket, then 3 fts to the original player with lanes cleared. Isn't this fun? 
Originally Posted by just another ref
How could it be a shooting foul if the foul occurs after the ball is deflected into the wrong basket? And why did you clear the lane?
If that ever happens to me, I'm running out of the gym and hanging up my whistle for good.
But, to keep this going, I'm going to say this, however I'm only guessing and have no idea what would be right or wrong... wrong basket is good off the deflection, foul is no longer a shooting foul because the ball has entered the opposing basket legally, making that play dead. If time was still on the clock at the point the foul occurred according to one of the officials, put time back on the clock and take the ball OOB closest to the spot of the foul.