Originally Posted by APG
If an offensive player and defensive player are moving toward each other, then the greater responsibility for the contact is going to be on the defender.
Interesting thought. I'm not sure that 4-23-3c applies to an airborne player. Which has more weight in a situation such as this--4-23-3c or 4-23-1.
Originally Posted by APG
I'm not sure what your trying to ask in your hypothetical. Are you asking us to judge the play as if the shooter was in the GSW's defender position and the defender was in Love's position and their actions were the exact same?
Yep, that is what I am asking you to consider. I'm trying to discover if people are giving additional rights to the player with the ball. It seems to me that in the case of a collision such as this, it shouldn't matter which player, if either, has the ball. The foul should be based upon the actions of the players and the presence of the ball isn't relevant.