Originally Posted by HLin NC
I voted in favor of limiting BBW to hand to hand snaps. Our state supervisor has told us that a BBW from a two point stance with A in shotgun can not legally take place with the ball still being in the zone. Yet, we have a few officials and many coaches who want to disagree. This would clear that up, at least for us here in NC.
But there are formations which call, or allow, for snaps which are thrown to a position which is still inside the FBZ. For instance, in Menominee HS's single wing formation there are usually 3 backs in position to take snaps, none of which can be hand-to-hand, yet all of them within the FBZ. The Wyatt wildcat formation uses 2 QBs (or one QB & one FB), each stationed just far back enough to qualify as in the backfield, but neither taking a hand to hand snap. Why disfavor them just because there are
other formations with a thrown snap that leaves the FBZ? The Wyatt wildcat would suffer particularly because it uses plays where an end (the line uses 0 splits, so the ends are in the FBZ) shoeshine/superman blocks toward the center to cover for a guard & tackle pulling to the other side.
It would be less damaging to adopt any of various deemings to eliminate the judgment when the ball is actually snapped out of the FBZ, rather than simply ban BBW during or following any thrown snap.