I took it as a coach. My biggest beef is illegal helmet contact not being called as such. I saw multiple defensive players this seasons lead with the crown of their helmets with no penalty. There are things in high school games that would draw suspensions and fines in the NFL that aren't even flagged at this level.
The other one I noticed was the chain crew using electronic devices. I never noticed that, but the chain crew in one of our playoff games was very unprofessional. The down box operator repeatedly cursed at the HL on our sideline ("That call is bullsh*t", "f-ing terrible", etc). During the second half he kept doing it so I went to the HL away from the chain crew and told him the guy was cursing around our players (We don't curse around players, so he shouldn't be either). As soon as I told him, the down box guy comes running up and tells me to coach and leave him alone. I wouldn't allow a basketball table crew to openly disagree with calls, much less curse at me or my partners.