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Old Tue Dec 12, 2000, 01:37pm
walter walter is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2000
Posts: 306
Actually our state association dictates that profanity warrants an ejection. We even have to read, yes read, a sportsmanship statement at the captain's conference. The statement directly addresses profanity as an ejection eligible offense. Now, in reality, our board has some unwritten standards around what we will tolerate and what we won't since we have to file reports of every technical assessed (other than administrative "T") with the state so the state can track school, coach, and player conduct offenses. An ejection of a player warrants a one game state imposed suspension. Two ejections and the player is ineligible for the remainder of the year. Three directs, not necessarily in the same game, on a coach is also a suspension of one game with following offenses leading to suspension for the season. For our board and state, the "F" word is an absolute.
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