Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by JRutledge
Originally posted by rockyroad
Bird-dogging ... not usually done at any level but HS and below...
Actually rocky, NCAA Men's still uses this quite often. It is still in the CCA Men's Manual and is used by many D1 Officials still. But it is only to be used for clarification.
I would side with "not usually done". It is sometimes used, but it is becoming more and more rare. And as Rut points out, it is now only to be used in cases where it is unclear who the foul is on.
I was surprised as to the number of times I saw the Men's officials bird-dog through-out the NCAA Tourney.
It was used more than I thought it would be used.
According to CCA Mens' mechanics, bird-dogging is optional.
According to CCA Women's mechanics, bird-dogging is not an option.