Originally posted by JRutledge
Originally posted by rockyroad
Bird-dogging ... not usually done at any level but HS and below...
Actually rocky, NCAA Men's still uses this quite often. It is still in the CCA Men's Manual and is used by many D1 Officials still. But it is only to be used for clarification.
I would side with "not usually done". It is sometimes used, but it is becoming more and more rare. And as Rut points out, it is now only to be used in cases where it is unclear who the foul is on.
I rarely birdog, and in my neck of the woods it is almost never done in college games.
To address BITS's question, I think the reason it's been phased out is that people felt that pointing to the fouler just wasn't necessary most of the time; and it could, in heated situations, conceivably make a bad situation worse by irritating the fouler unnecessarily. So why do it? The only real reason to do it is if there might be confusion as to who got called for the foul. So that's the only time we do it now.