So in BKTballREf post: "Yes, they can. As Altor wrote, a fumble on the 1, and B34 bats the ball across his goal line where B41 falls on it/ Safety, 2 points for Team A.
If Team B has not yet had their series, then it's 1st and goal from the 10 for Team B."
Help me think this continue this example: Assuming this is the 1st "inning" in OT, after the safety we are saying the score is now A-2/ B-0 and now B gets their series? So, B scores a FG and they win 3 to 2? Why doesn't A get a chance to score more than 2 points...what am I missing here?
What would makes sense is that after the safety, A gets the ball again (just as if in regulation B would have to Kick Off to A from their own 20) to "re-start" their series at the 10 yard line but now leading 2-0.
Last edited by whitehat; Mon Nov 19, 2012 at 12:00pm.