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Old Thu Nov 15, 2012, 12:28pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by billyu2 View Post
From what I remember the issue is not one of LGP. A player who is down on the floor is still entitled to that spot. (high school not NCAA) If the player with the ball falls over the down player we would most likely have a travel. If the down player starts to roll, get up, raises an arm or leg and this causes the contact then it is a block. Instances not involving the ball most likely are incidental.
Correct. It has absolutely nothing to do with LGP. The player doesn't have LGP and doesn't need LGP. It is based on the fact that player is a stationary and in the spot first. If they move and cause contact, they have fouled for that very reason...they don't have LGP....but if they don't move, they don't need it.
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