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Old Thu Nov 15, 2012, 12:01pm
billyu2 billyu2 is offline
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Originally Posted by rwest View Post
I believe there was an official interp that came out years ago. I can't find it but the official interp is that the prone player does have LGP. I disagree with their logic but it is what it is. I also believe that the interp gave some indication that time was a factor. In other words the prone player couldn't stay there forever. The interp may have used the phrase "temporarily" or something to that effect. When I read it it gave me the idea that the player was granted LGP temporarily while on the floor but that they need to make an effort to get up in a somewhat quick fashion. I know I'm being somewhat vague but I'm going on memory. I'll see if I can't find it.
From what I remember the issue is not one of LGP. A player who is down on the floor is still entitled to that spot. (high school not NCAA) If the player with the ball falls over the down player we would most likely have a travel. If the down player starts to roll, get up, raises an arm or leg and this causes the contact then it is a block. Instances not involving the ball most likely are incidental.

Last edited by billyu2; Thu Nov 15, 2012 at 12:06pm.
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