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Old Wed Nov 14, 2012, 01:29pm
rwest rwest is offline
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Originally Posted by Adam View Post
Nothing says you have to be stationary to obtain. A player could literally be walking, for example, and still meet this requirement.

Being stationary really couldn't be less relevant to LGP.

Oh, and I have a charge on that play. B1 is entitled to his spot on the floor, as long as he isn't moving at contact.
For purposes of this discussion stationary = 2 feet on the floor and not moving.

Nothing says you have to be moving to obtain or that you can only obtain while moving.

Would you not agree that a player who is stationary (both feet in-bounds) with his torso facing the opponent has met the definition of LGP? Would you also not agree that a player who is stationary with one foot out of bounds and one foot in and who did not have LGP before assuming this position still does not have LGP?
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