Wed Nov 14, 2012, 12:30pm
NFHS Official
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 1,734
Originally Posted by letemplay
I had a similar situation several years ago as the R in a varsity district tourney game and felt I handled it correctly, still do. The game was at a nuetral site, with an official bookeeper provided. Each team had someone keeping their respective books, one an assitant coach that remained at his bench with book. The other had an adult manager that set at the table with official bookkeeper and clock operator. Towards the end of the first half, when a foul was called and reported on a particular player, the head coach of the opposing team (and of course the one that kept the book at the bench) notified me there was no player in his book by that number. After consulting with the official book, it was determined that the book had been changed when the player (sub) first made an appearance back midway through the first quarter. Apparently the other bookkeeper simply told official keeper when this player entered that his number was actually different and the official bookkeeper made the change and DID NOT tell anyone..officials or the other teams keeper. Having neither scored or fouled until this point, there was no reason for the other teams keeper (also an assist coach prob busy on bench with other stuff) to notice this player until there was need to record a foul. I ruled since we were unable to catch the change when made, we could not assess a T...much to the objections of the coach. I still see him from time to time and I believe he still thinks I was wrong. If I learned anything from that was to remind the bookkeepers(s) NOT to make any changes ANYTIME until consulting with the officials.
I think in this case a T-Foul would have been warranted. The scorekeeper made the change when the player entered, well after the 10 minute pre game mark, and when asked about it they told you when the change was made.