Originally Posted by bob jenkins
10.1.2 (b) "The infraction occurs when the scorer is advised to add to or change the scorebook. The foul must be charged when it occurs and enforced when the ball next becomes live. Once the ball has become live, it is too late to penalize."
In the OP, the book was apparently changed before the game. Once you get to halftime, it's too late to penalize it.
Originally Posted by Adam
You're right.
I'm just going to add something. The rule seems to be written from the perspective of an effective table that is doing everything right. If, however, you have a table who's either unscrupulous or incompetent, I'd be tempted to issue the T. If this was my only indication, I'd likely pass and simply send a note to the assigner.
If, however, this school has a history of this sort of thing, or the scorer has given me trouble indicating they are not up to the task of objectively performing their duties, I can't guarantee I'd pass.