Thread: RefPay Feedback
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Old Tue Nov 13, 2012, 12:23pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
I did not know that there was a fee for an auto transfer. I was told this by one of my fellow referees this Fall season. So I did some investigating. It appears that there indeed is such a fee and it is about $1.50. Why?

I sign-in and manually do the transfer so there is no fee charged to me as the official. There is of course a fee charged to the paying administrator for generating my paysheet. The highest possible fee at this time is about $2 per paysheet.

I'll add that I have been on both sides of this with RefPay. So I have seen all the fees charged to the paying administrator. I have contacted RefPay and advised them that charging the officials is not in their best interest. Keep the fees on the people who make the payment, not those who receive them. These people don't have an issue with it as it actually saves them money since they do not have to cut a check and mail it, which involves a postage cost as well as the cost of the paper, ink, and envelope, plus the time of the person who must perform these tasks.
Making the transfer costs them money...not anything near $2 but it costs. If they do auto-transfer, they probably incur more transfer for each payment you receive. But, if you manually transfer the money, they get to lump each payment into one paying only one fee to have the transfer made at the time you log in and make the transfer.

I chose to offer a different payment service on RefTown. It is a true direct deposit contracted out to a 3rd party. The money goes directly from the organization making the payment to the official's account. The money is never in RefTown's accounts and is immediately available to the Referee (after the Bank's normal electronic transfer delays). RefTown just facilitates the transaction. It is also cheaper for the organization than either RefPay or printing and mailing a check and it is free to the official.
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