Clock malfunction
Following a time out and with 15 seconds left in game, Team B holds a one point lead and the ball for a throw in from endline opposite their basket. After the successful inbounds pass, B is attempting to advance the ball vs Team A pressure. After a few passes, someone from the sideline area is heard yelling "start the clock" or "the clock didn't start". Trail, while reaching a count of 8, takes a quick peek and sees the clock is running, but only showing 14..turning to 13.. and realizes it probably did not get started properly. Should play be stopped and the clock reset at 7 seconds based on trails bc count? Should play be allowed to continue whereupon (possibly) A committs a foul and then the 7 second adjustment is made? If play is stopped immediately, B is disadvantaged for having to inbound again under pressure, but if not, A may have gotten a steal or a 10-sec count. What's the proper way to handle such a situation?