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Old Wed Oct 31, 2012, 12:22am
Lapopez Lapopez is offline
I hate Illinois Nazis
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 157
Something to debate

When debating, it's very important to understand your opponents argument so that, if you disagree with the conclusion, you can formulate your own argument that directly and specifically contradicts it. Rich Ives, based on your recent posts, I am not convinced that you understand the arguments put forth in my dissertation.

I've been trying to understand yours, and I think I do. The cornerstone is the section of the MLBUM that we both quoted. You are taking a specific jump turn, as described in the MLBUM, where a pitcher steps with his pivot foot toward third base and extrapolating the conclusion to a different jump turn in which the pitcher (Cain) steps back. In light of the language of 8.01(e), I find this to be wrong, but I am grateful we have finally come to a point where I can agree to disagree. Finally the voters have an issue to consider: whether your extrapolation of MLBUM properly supersedes 8.01(e). Obviously I don't think so and it's nice to finally have a big dog in my camp. Furthermore, it's time for me to go to bed. GOOD NIGHT!