OBS or Tag Up
Due to the current lull, I bring up a sitch that happened twice almost identically, in one weekend, with two different sets of teams, about a month ago.
2-man mechanics ASA:
R1 on 3B, R2 on 2B, B3 hits long fly ball down the left field line, 175-180ft.
PU has catch/no catch, fair/foul, and R1.
BU comes inside, button hooks for tag up responsibilities for R2.
F7 makes heroic effort, but does not make catch in either case. Fair ball.
Apparently there was OBS at 1B by F3 on B3 and was not seen by either ump due to the angles on the play, which was brought up by each OC.
Explanation to OC in each case was the same; that this is simply one of the imperfections of the 2-man mechanics, where there are spots on the field and no eyes.
Was that a valid answer?
What are the best mechanics on this?
P.S. In both cases B3 made it safely to 2B on the plays being made on the lead runners. So, it was moot.