Originally Posted by Robert Goodman
Why? It's very easy for a tackler to avoid pulling someone's hair or beard -- at least as easy as avoiding pulling the face mask. Meanwhile, consider that the player is on the football field only a tiny percentage of his time; so he's supposed to change the way he looks during the entire football season just to conform with your idea of how he should look on the field? Besides, what difference does it make to the game how the players look? They have uniforms to tell the teams apart, that's all you need.
So would it not then benefit players (particularly RBs) to grow their hair down to their...umm...butts? By your logic, the defenders could not go for the back at all since they run the risk of pulling the extremely long hair and, by extension (no pun intended), bending the neck.
If the play is designed to fool someone, make sure you aren't the fool.
Last edited by PSU213; Tue Oct 23, 2012 at 12:36pm.