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Old Fri Oct 19, 2012, 10:40am
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally Posted by REFANDUMP View Post
I have to comment on the night I had last night. We played on a wet, rainy field with 50+ mph winds and about 40 degrees temp. I'm the white hat getting ready for the coin toss and the wind blows my hat off into the muck, twice !!! At that point I was a spotted hat !!! I normally toss the coin and catch it. Tried 3 times and the wind took it away each time and I couldn't catch it. I finally told the captains that I was going to let it hit the ground. Flipped it once more and it landed sideways, so had to flip it again. 5 flips to get the coin flipped. Felt like a clown out there. Team won the toss and defered, other team chose to defend a goal. I reminded them that they may have to kick both halves and they said that's what their coach wanted. Can't say I've ran into that before. Got through the mucky game, full of fumbles of course, went into overtime (even worse since we were freezing) and decided this was one or two of those nights per season that we wonder why we do this !!!

What are some of the worst conditions you have ever worked in, and do you have any stories like mine ?? Just curious.
It was 42 with a driving rain last night, but we didn't have heavy winds.

At least you don't have to worry about cleaning knickers anymore.

BTW, I *always* let the coin hit the ground. If it's good enough for the NFL, it's good enough for me. And I can't drop a coin that I don't try to catch.
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