Thread: Bean Bags!
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Old Wed Apr 30, 2003, 09:03pm
Ed Hickland Ed Hickland is offline
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Re: correction...

Originally posted by Bob M.
You mention that a backward pass is not (??) a lost possession situation. I disagree. If a backward pass from beyond the neutral zone occurs, you had better mark the spot with a bean bag. That spot is the end of the related run and may become the spot of enforcement for a foul by the offense that occurs after the pass and before possession of the loose ball is regained. Correct?
You are both correct. A backward pass involves a loss of player possession but not a loss of team possession.

You should drop a bean bag anytime player possession is lost becuase that will be the spot where the run ends and as Bob M mentioned it becomes the basic spot for enforcement.

On a backward pass or any loose ball play or situation the ball remains in team possession until the other team gains possession. It is important to note when that occurs because the time of the foul and how it is enforced may depend upon who has possession.
Ed Hickland, MBA, CCP
[email protected]
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