Originally Posted by Eastshire
So, 1/10 on A40. A throws an IFP at A38 while also holding at the a) A39 or b)A35.
Options for a) are
Accept IFP 2/10 A33 or Accept holding 1/10 A28
Opptions for b) are
Accept IFP 2/10 A33 or Accept holding 1/10 A25
Do I have that right?
NFHS rules:
The IFP is enforced as a running play. The end of the run is the A38.
Accept IFP, decline hold: 2/17 A33 for either situation.
Accept hold, decline IFP: a) 1/22 A28. b) 1/25 A25. All-but-one enforcement. B is the "but one" scenario.
We don't reset the chains. The LTG is still the 50.