Thread: Slide... Crash
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Old Tue Oct 16, 2012, 05:56pm
jmkupka jmkupka is offline
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That's why I posted this- to find out if my interp was correct.

In an older thread on this forum, a catcher (not in possession) is plowed over by a runner coming home. Verdict: run scores, ejection for USC, nothing in the rules calls for an out. The rationale being, when the catcher has possession, it is assumed she would have made the out had she not been plowed into, so the out is called when there is possession.

I may be grasping at straws here, but in PONY rules (humor me for a moment) it states, "if there is a slide, it shall be a legal slide". In the current thread, I'm inferring that there is no such conclusion as stated in the OP.

As always, I appreciate the lively discussion, and I'm a better ump for it.
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