Originally Posted by jmkupka
To clarify a little, foot-first slide, her cleats grabbed the ground, brought her back to upright on her knees, where she met face-to-face with the catcher (also on her knees, set up for the tag), crash. Catcher sent beyond the plate, ball rolls away, runner ends up on all fours on the plate.
Then for sure I don't have a violation. She cannot be faulted for having her cleats catch something that aborts her slide and causes her to essentially start a tumble. If the catcher wasn't there, she undoubtedly would have landed face-first onto the ground. Also, when contact was made with the catcher, the runner was on her knees, not completely upright on her feet.
Again, a crash is when a runner simply fails to do anything and she runs straight-up into the catcher when the catcher has the ball and is making a tag. Your runner tried to execute a slide, and because of something that caught her feet, she catapulted into the catcher while on her knees. Play on.