I could live with PF/USC/LOD penalties, but I certainly agree with the sentiment. Keeping the above penalties prevents the defense from commiting a player-safety foul in order to gain an advantage. Dropping the mechanics (e.g., facemask-5, IUH) and admin (e.g., illegal sub) fouls from this does not, I believe violate the spirit of the rules. It's like a prisoner's dilemma situation. If B feels he has to foul to prevent a score, and it's not something that puts his opponent in danger of physical harm, then enforce the penalty, ignore it if A scores, and move on.
B should never feel that he can benefit from doing something that elevates A's risk of harm, or is manifest unsporting behavior. So PF-facemask, RTP, DPI, shouldn't be permitted.
Speaking of DPI, what would people think about two different sorts of PI? The idea is, like we have two different sorts of facemask fouls, there should be different degrees of PI--those that are faceguarding/tug-and-pulls and those where someone really wallops his opponent.
It would be Yet-Another-Judgment-Call, but not all PI, in my opinion, rates 15+1st/LOD. It might get more yellow on the field in those really delicate calls, as the covering official doesn't have to think that it's seriously harmful. Mostly, this comes from my thinking that a lot of PI situations don't rise nearly to the level of laying out a kicker or head-hunting a QB, but they both have the same enforcement.