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Old Mon Dec 11, 2000, 03:06pm
CLAY CLAY is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2000
Posts: 179

This is my 2nd year officating. And I can tell you the ego's out there are huge. I would like to know with your experience should the trail help the lead under the basket? or vise/versa?
With all the screens and movement under the basket its sometimes better for the trail to make some call, Since they may have had better position.

I made a call from out top under the basket and my partner came charging at me telling me to stay out of his area. My reply to him was sorry, you missed one.

I get tired of the coaches and fans yelling how can two or three of you miss that call.

when I work with anyone I now ask if they want help in their areas, some say yes some say no. When ref's tell me no I usually swallow my whislte and go on.
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