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Old Sat Oct 13, 2012, 11:24pm
SCalScoreKeeper SCalScoreKeeper is offline
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NCAA Women's POE's 12-13

NCAA Women's POE's 2012-2013 Season
Division I women’s basketball officials are preparing for the season by attending officiating clinics and completing online testing programs. In addition to being responsible for all game rules management, officials are also being asked to monitor closely the following areas in 2012-13:

• Incidental Elbow Contact. There can be incidental contact with the elbow above or below the shoulders and not all elbow contact with the elbow is a foul regardless of where the elbow makes contact.

• Traveling. Not all spin moves are travels and legal moves by the ball handler will be permitted. After establishing a pivot foot, that pivot foot may be lifted, but may not return to the floor before the ball is released on a pass or try for goal.

• Freedom of Movement. Excessive physicality and the lack of freedom of movement will be enforced by officials. Players must be permitted to move freely and without being held, pushed or rerouted.

• Pace of Play. Stoppage of play that interrupts the flow and pace of the game will be watched closely by officials in 2012-13. In order to increase the pace of play, officials will keep the game moving following timeouts, to permit incidental/marginal contact, permit legal moves by ball handlers and to use the monitor judiciously.

• Restricted Area Rule. The restricted area is the only area on the floor in which a secondary/helpside defender is not permitted to establish initial guarding position and remain in this area to draw a charge on a player with the ball or a player who has released the ball on a pass or shot. Secondary/helpside defenders who are not defending the player with the ball or the player who has released the ball on a pass or shot are permitted to draw a charge in this area.

• Legal Guarding. Legally establishing and maintaining guarding position is critical to proper enforcement of block/charge fouls. Once a defender has legally established and maintained her guarding position, it is the responsibility of the offensive player to avoid illegal contact.

• Contact On/By the Ball Handler/Dribbler. Defenders are permitted one touch on the ball handler/dribbler in order to measure up. The next touch by the same defender on the ball handler is a foul. Too much contact on the ball handler/dribbler continues to inhibit offensive progress. Officials have been reminded that consistency from the start of the season until the end of the season, the start of a game until the end of a game and across the country is critical to a free flowing game. Likewise, the ball handler/dribbler is not permitted to create illegal contact on legally established defenders.

• Free-Throw Violations. Free-throw violations are on the rise and officials are being asked to penalize consistently players entering the lane area too soon, disconcertion of shooters and players who fake shots or violations.
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