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Old Thu Oct 11, 2012, 07:32am
legend legend is offline
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Originally Posted by BktBallRef View Post
It's actually both, a non-player, illegal personal contact penalty.

The referee signals personal foul (#38) and sideline interference (#29).

USC is a non-contact foul. So getting one of each does not result in ejection.

9.4.8 SITUATION A: Third and five for A on B’s 30-yard line when B1 intercepts A1’s pass at B’s 15-yard line. B1 returns the interception along A’s sideline and is downed on A’s 40- yard line. During B1’s run the Head Linesman unintentionally runs into: (a) a cameraman between the restraining line and sideline at B’s 20-yard line; (b) A’s assistant coach in the restricted area at B’s 45-yard line; or (c) A’s head coach on the field of play at the 50-yard line.
RULING: No foul in (a), but the game administrator must ensure the area between the playing field and the restraining line is clear of all non-authorized personnel.In (b) and (c) A’s head coach is assessed a 15-yard non-player, illegal personal contact penalty at the succeeding spot.

A crew in our chapter had this type of play in a varsity game a few weeks ago. Where a local news paper photographer was on the sideline and got in the way of the L.J.. Needless to say the head coach wasn't very happy to get 15 due to a person not even affialiated with the program.
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