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Old Wed Oct 10, 2012, 07:20am
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally Posted by Manny A View Post
I'm kinda wondering if the strike zone tool that TBS is using for its telecasts is accurate. I'm seeing a lot of pitches that are just nibbling that zone not getting called strikes, and also more than I would expect that are missing it by a pretty significant distance are being rung up.

Maybe it's because the graphic stays on for every single pitch as opposed to just being shown during the replay of a questionable call.

I did see one pitch (can't recall which game) where the catcher set up on the inside corner of a righty batter, and the ball went towards the outside such that the catcher had to reach across his body and backhand it. The umpire called it a ball, but the graphic showed that the pitch was right in the middle of the zone.
There's a list of the plate jobs and links to the pfx computer charts here:

Close Call Sports

DeMuth last night missed 6 pitches out of 133 according to the computer, which is a darned good performance.

He also wore a long-sleeved undershirt under a short-sleeved jersey, which looks tacky at any level.
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