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Old Mon Dec 11, 2000, 01:24pm
Mark Padgett Mark Padgett is offline
certified Hot Mom tester
Join Date: Aug 1999
Location: only in my own mind, such as it is
Posts: 12,918

Last Friday night, we had that same fan you all have every game. You know that guy - he's an expert in all phases of the game, he sits in the front row (usually in a corner) and he knows all about your heritage.

Anyway, seconds before the halftime horn, he yells and screams at my partner (a 5 year vet) about not calling a pushing foul. He yells that my partner is "blind". The horn then went off.

My partner turned around and yelled at this guy (this isn't verbatum, but close), "BLIND!!!??? You think that's funny? My sister is blind. Do you get a big kick out of making fun of people with disabilities? Look, you insensitive clod, if I hear one more word out of you, your gone. If my sister were here, you would have broken her heart, you jerk."

By this time, the guy was actually shaking. He apologized and his face was bright red.

As we walked to the locker room, I said to my partner, "That's pretty rough - about your sister, I mean."

He replied, "I made it up. I don't even have a sister."

"WHAT?", was my comment. He said he heard another ref say that a few years ago and was just waiting for the perfect situation to use it. He said I was free to use it myself anytime.

I guess ya' never know. And - BTW - it wasn't Dave.
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